Arguments regarding the importance of the international recognition of the sovereignty of the Republic of Artsakh
On September 27, 2020, the Azerbaijani armed forces, in a flagrant violation of the Charter of the United Nations, and other commitments assumed within the Minsk process launched armed attack against on the Republic of Artsakh along the entire border between the Republic of Artsakh and Azerbaijan.
The OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing countries – the United States, the Russian Federation and the French Republic, strongly condemned the escalation in the Azerbaijan-Karabakh conflict zone, and called for immediate cessation of hostilities. This statement by the leaders of the three countries – permanent members of the UN Security Council has reiterated the collective position of the international community on the inadmissibility of the use of force, previously expressed by all members of the UN Security Council, the UN Secretary General, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, and heads of states and governments of the European Union.
The aggression was particularly different from previous attacks by Azerbaijan against Artsakh by its scale, intensity, as well as by Turkey’s direct involvement and de facto command and control of the military. The situation is further complicated by the fact that Turkey hired and transported thousands of mercenary fighters from the terrorist organization in the Middle East to help Azerbaijan – a fact that has been formally confirmed by the three co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group, as well as by numerous international mainstream media outlets. Bu such actions, Turkey and Azerbaijan increasingly position themselves as rogue countries, and demonstrate open rejection of generally accepted rules and norms of the civilized world.
In a situation when Azerbaijan and Turkey enter into an open military alliance with terrorist organizations, which are outlawed by the civilized world, collective measures of the entire international community urgently needed in order to end the aggression by Ankara and Baku, which poses a threat to the entire world community.
As a result, most of the territory of the Republic of Artsakh has been occupied by the aggressors. Tens of thousands of local population were forced our of their homes. The triple alliance of Turkey, Azerbaijan and terrorist organizations continues to threaten peace and security in the South Caucasus, and it cannot remain without political and legal consequences.
The international recognition of the independence of the Republic of Artsakh is a logical and effective step towards a long-standing settlement of the Azerbaijan-Karabakh conflict. The independence of Artsakh is legally strong, legitimate and fair. The sooner the process of international recognition of the Republic of Artsakh begins, the earlier the long-awaited lasting peace will come into the region.
Recognition of the independence of the Republic of Artsakh is the most effective way to protect the rights of its people. It will not only allow the immediate end of the aggression, but also exclude the possibility of repetition in the future, thus creating a necessary positive momentum and environment for effective political settlement of the Azerbaijan-Karabakh conflict.
The recognition
of independence of the
Republic of Artsakh
International recognition of its independence is one of the key priorities of the foreign policy of the Republic of Artsakh. The people of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic expressed their determination to build and strengthen their statehood based on democratic norms twice; in the independence referendum on December 10, 1991 and the constitutional referendums on December 10, 2006 and February 20, 2017.
The successes registered in the state-building process led to certain positive developments in the process of international recognition of the NKR independence.
Resolutions in support of the right of the people of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic to self-determination adopted in by:
French Senate Recognizes Artsakh

Nov 25, 2020 – The French Senate recognized the independence of the Republic of Artsakh with a vote of 305 to 1, following an almost two-hour debate on the floor of the upper house of the French Parliament. The measure urges the French government to follow suit. [ read ]
Belgian Parliament Calls for Withdrawal of Azeri Forces from Artsakh

Dec 18, 2020 – The Belgian House of Representatives (Federal Parliament) adopted a resolution condemning the military aggression of Azerbaijan, supported by the Turkish authorities and foreign mercenaries against the Armenian population of the Republic of Artsakh. The resolution calls for the immediate withdrawal of the Azerbaijani armed forces from the Nagorno Karabakh region, conquered by the use of force and violence [ read ]
Eight US States:

MICHIGAN – September 28, 2017

HAWAII – March 29, 2016

GEORGIA – March 3, 2016

CALIFORNIA – May 8 and August 27, 2014

LOUISIANA – May 30, 2013

MAINE – April 10, 2013

MASSACHUSETTS – August 6, 2012

RHODE ISLAND – May 17, 2012
Four US cities:

Honolulu, Hawaii – April 20, 2016

Highland, California – November 5, 2013;

Los Angeles, California – September 10, 2013;

Fresno, California – April 23, 2013

Basque Country – September 12, 2014;

New South Wales State, Australia – October 25, 2012
On May 11, 1999, the European Parliament adopted a resolution which stated that Nagorno-Karabakh declared its independence immediately after the similar declarations by Soviet Republics.
On November 3, 2014, the Board of Spokespersons of the Parliament of Navarre (an autonomous community / area in Spain) issued an official statement, saying that the authorities of Nagorno Karabakh should be an indispensable part of any level of negotiations which can decide the country’s future.
The international recognition of Artsakh along with being an additional stimulus for the further development and strengthening of the statehood of Artsakh and, in particular, its democratic institutions, will also have a positive impact on the settlement of the conflict between Azerbaijan and Nagorno Karabakh.
Today, the delay in international recognition of the NKR only adds to the Azerbaijan’s temptation to solve the conflict by military means, the proof of which was Karabakh war 2020 and the large-scale aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan against the NKR on April 2-5 2016.
The international recognition of the NKR will be an effective lever to eliminate the possibility of a new Azerbaijani aggression. The international recognition will assure the irreversibility of the peaceful settlement process and will make it possible to focus on the creation of necessary mechanisms and conditions for peaceful coexistence of two sovereign states – the Nagorno Karabakh Republic and the Republic of Azerbaijan, established as a result of the collapse of the USSR and the war forced by Azerbaijan.